Just My Imagination or Nah? From Ghoul to Jewel Series
Fix your Thoughts on what is True, Honorable and Pure.
Are we using our imaginations for things that are true, honorable and pure?
Or are we giving honor to a false god, a perverse image of god or the god of self?
God gave us creativity when he made us in his image. He also gave to us imagination, a part of his own mind that allows us to think beyond what we see. As children we used this gift often now we use it a few times a day, mainly to wish our lives were better…
But do you know God wants us to take that gift of imagination and use it for good? Better yet let's take it a step further to say he wants our imagination to take what is not seen and manifest it to something we can see. Naysayers will say its witchcraft its sorcery but Bible believers know better. Just read the story of Moses, of Abraham and Sarah, of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Power was in Moses’s words, Power was in Abraham's seed and power was in Sarah's womb and power was with the three Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace that day. Power walked into the world and left power for us to receive. There's power in you. But first we have to imagine it will be.
Our imagination is a tool to build the things the world hasn't seen yet. We can use it for good or we can use it for evil. God always gives us choice.
On one side we can choose God's imagination which holds Hope, Expectation and Faith in one hand or Satan's imagination which holds the keys to Fear, Worry and Perversion in one hand. Your imagination is a real entity created by God; who used his imagination to create a universe for us to inhabit and a heaven for us to call home.
Your imagination is a real entity created by God; who used his imagination to create a universe for us to inhabit and a heaven for us to call home.
What will you do with yours?
Sister Scriptures: Philippians 4.8 & 4.6&7