Then the Lord said to Moses, “Look, I’m going to rain down food from heaven for you. Each day the people can go out and pick up as much food as they need for that day. I will test them in this to see whether or not they will follow my instructions.”
The Wilderness menu consisted of water from rocks, manna in the mornings and quail at midnight. God knew just what the Israelites needed to survive. Yet, they thought that wasn't enough. Manna was given with the exact measure for every person and family. God already did the mathematical calculations. He didn't forget anyone. Yet, they grumbled and complained that it wasn't enough. Sound familiar? Though His presence protected and warmed them at night their hearts were still cold.
Though God's presence clouded the harsh rays of the sun from eyes and skin (God was the original sunblock yall) their hearts still shriveled up in contempt. Though God showed them miracles never seen before their hearts crusted over with the film of indifference. We are shocked to hear those that once were slaves be so ungrateful. But are we really so far removed? God provides for us daily bread but we are starving for what someone else has. God's presence is the Holy Spirit yet we don’t acknowledge Him and we can go the whole day without giving him credit. When something is revealed to us we call it "intuition" an imitation of the real thing. We make our golden calf out of our own self sufficiency and what we are comfortable with instead of waiting on God and being still. We have to trust God with transitions and know He is the one to rely on not ourselves or what we think we know and our DIY attitude. Our manna today is his breath in the morning, his peace throughout the day and his comfort at night. Since the wilderness days the cloud has parted and made way for the true sun, God's Word that became our manifested Savior. The pillar is the fire that burns inside us no longer on the outside, the Holy Spirit. All of these are our "new day" manna and it is enough for the day ahead and every new day to come. Exodus 16.4 How does God's manna sustain you?👀🥖
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