Understanding that Everything has Value
Happy New Year. It is 2025 there should be some flying cars and robot maids by now. The Jetsons were my parents’ cartoon growing up so that’s how far off the writers were in regard to the future.
I want you to know I am a work in progress. Sometimes I get it right and sometimes I get it wrong. But I know someone who always gets it right. Jesus. My desire and resolution for this year and every year in the future is to cling to Him.
How do we do that?
Well anytime times are rough (every other day for me) and anytime we feel like bursting (like a shaken soda can) we can read God’s word. We can also pray when we don’t have the words or want to say the wrong ones.
The winter season is not my favorite season but I see the value in having a cold season. We wear layers to keep warm and we wear outer garments to protect ourselves from harsh elements of wind, cold temperatures and snow. We commute to work in the dark and it still feels like we should be in our beds. We walk briskly to our cars, train or bus not wanting to stop and talk because of the frigid chill. Winter is not a light, giddy season. Winter is not the chosen season for weddings and we don’t plan cookouts in January. After the holiday season is over there is a blanket of Blah that is found on faces of strangers and even on family and friends. But there is value in winter; as I am discovering spending time with God; there is value in everything.
“The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him”
Since the Earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the Lord is owner of everything He created and because He created it, it has value. The trees are valuable, the dirt is valuable, the oceans are valuable, the animals are valuable, seasons are valuable, people are valuable. Whether we hate spiders or not, they have value. Snow may be a nuisance; especially in busy places like New York and Chicago because it gets in the way of the constant flow of movement. But in other places like Central Georgia or North Florida it is a rare but pleasant surprise. It means no school and a day off. If California got snow it would be a miracle from heaven that I’m certain every resident would embrace. But sadly, instead of snow they got fire from the dry climate they live in. So, does the California fires have value?
“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”
God has humankind on His mind. He always had us on His mind. We are at the center of His creation. But are we putting God at the center of our lives? Have we made Pride our Homes or cars, sneakers, walk in closets, banquets, photo shoots and agendas our gods? Do we think our successes come from us and who we know and not God? Do we think money is everything? Does having a multimillion-dollar home or business impress God? Trust me I think the wildfires are devastating but what’s more devastating? Hell-yes, (no pun) eternal flames are more destructive than the earthly flames that are currently scorching everything in its path. Natural disasters should always be a wakeup call to the soul. Earth is not our final destination. Nature should bring us back to God. Man didn’t create nature, and nature can destroy anything manmade. If we want to get deep -deep; nature helped create man (Genesis 2:7). As we dwell on that imagery humility should take root in our heart.
Does tragedy make us kinder; does it make us gentler in our speech? When we lose something of value does it make us grateful for what we have? As people in this western state evacuate and prepare to find better air quality, what are we doing? Are we appreciative of our climate and our air quality?
I believe, yes, there is value in the winter. There is value in a dark and cold season. There is value in bundling up and snuggling in a warm blanket with a hot beverage. There is value in retreat from socialization, to escape from the outdoors to a place of quiet solitude. In the frigid times of life, we have an opportunity snuggle in with Jesus and get to know Him more. We get to wait with Him for the coming spring. While we wait, He can do a new work in us. He can reveal our hearts to us. He can restore what is broken. In the winter, He can fix what needs mending. In the winter the light of His salvation can revive us, and His Spirit can give us the gifts of discernment, revelation and the building of our most holy faith.
Trust God that even in the coldest season when you are the most hurt, frustrated, lost or ashamed there is value in your pain.
It may not be voted the most favorite season, but I’ll take it! By the way Fall is my favorite season and I’m not alone! What is your favorite season? Do you agree with the chart?
“In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”