She Will

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Children are a gift from the Lord;they are a reward from him.

Psalms 127:3 NLT

  1. Medical Leave

  2. Grave Diagnosis

  3. Childbirth Pain

  4. Not enough Preparation (Who Has Enough?)

  5. Lack of Sleep

  6. Endless Diaper Changes

  7. Loss of Privacy

  8. Mama Bear Syndrome

    All of that and then some came when I had my daughter…

    And you might be thinking Man that’s rough!

However, I would do it all over again because she overshadowed all of what may have been too much to handle if she wasn’t with me, needing me, hilariously getting nourishment from me when I lacked it. Funny how God works things out for our good. Being home with her allowed me to publish my book and start my t-shirt business. Funny how God supplies all our needs; I am now well and strengthened; and our children’s needs; she never missed a beat during the whole process! She caught her first cold at 18 months! Wow. He works double overtime for His children that he loves so dearly especially when we extend our hands to our Father for help. Psalms 121:1

Though he takes care of the sparrows that are sold for two cents; how much will he take care of you that are more valuable than many sparrows? Matt. 10:29-31

We worry about our children so much. Who will they be? What kind of friends will they have? Will they ever sleep through the night? Will we ever sleep through the night? Are we going to be great parents? And God’s like, “I got this”. You’re not the first parent I ever created. (Insert an almighty eye roll)

Wherever God takes me…I trust Him with the journey. Just like I trusted Him with my healing. I trust Him with my parenting.

I have her and this precious time, to mold and build her confidence. I have the scars I didn't have in my twenties. I have the weight I didn’t have when I wore my mermaid wedding dress(Goals). But her love, her love is worth it. Because when she looks at me she's not looking at my scars, she's not looking at my flaws, my brokenness, my mess ups…she's looking at her mama. The one who sang to her in the womb, the one who declared in the atmosphere she would be someone great, someone kind, someone fierce, someone who will choose to bow down to God's throne over the clay kingdoms she will one day create.

And she will. Why? Because God said she is a reward from the heavens. Because God says she is someone worth fighting for, someone worth wrapping in decadent protection and careful instruction. This gift is not just for me but for the Kingdom's glory. I believe she put fire in my bones to help me drive the tumors away along with my great gargantuan faith.

I don't care what someone has spoke over your child. He or she will declare the works of God and live out their purpose with boldness and confidence. Speak it!

Mamas, you didn’t go through pain to not see the seed grow, you don’t have scars without a testimony. Your child/ children will grow from the seed you speak. Start speaking all the goodness your heart can hold. Because we know our hearts are big enough to bring down a tapestry of heaven's favor for our children.

Declaration for my Daughter-

She will know her purpose at an early age.

She will pursue the Lord and follow him wholeheartedly.

She will dust herself off from any setbacks that try to get in her way.

She will stand for what's right when no one else is standing.

She will never give up on her dreams.

She will never be ashamed of how God created her.

She will walk boldly and upright for her King.

She will honor her mother and father and others.

She will humble herself when she needs to be humble.

She will kindhearted and include not exclude.

She will see more in the spirit in her youth than I ever could with the help of the Holy Spirit.

She will be protected by His grace and favored in the Earth and in the Heavens.

Her husband will be chosen by God and she will pray and wait for Him.

She will let her light shine brightly everywhere He has for her to go.

Click here to download a free declaration for your son or daughter!



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