Winter Feels Like

Barren winter, with his wrathful nipping cold; … the icy fang and churlish chiding of the winter's wind… bites and blows upon my body; I shrink with cold; what freezings I have felt, what dark days seen, what old December's bareness everywhere!

Except Shakespeare we are in February and I live in the swinging climate state of Georgia so I’m not sure about freezing temps. I can relate to the bare trees. However winter can be rough and destitute in other ways. Winter can frost the heart, winter can leave our bank accounts dry and our attitudes towards everything chapped.

Winter is like depressing!

If that is your perspective.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things unseen. But that doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Look, see I am doing a new thing! See how it springs up? -We may not See it yet but it’s still there.

Under the ground seeds are cultivating and growing, what may look dead is preparing for a new season. God is preparing you for a new season too. And He doesn’t want you to miss a thang. ( I feel a song coming on…)

So how do we see more? How do we get to that next level of faith?

Preparation is key.

While you are in the winter are you preparing and cultivating your talent?

While in the winter are you asking God for wisdom on direction or are you allowing the harsh winds get the best of you, tossing you to and fro?

When we hear of devastating tragedies are we telling everyone we know for the sensationalism or are we aware of our own short seasons of life with our loved ones?

Are we keeping to ourselves, burying ourselves in work and seclusion or are we building strong friendships and alliances with a like minded crew?

So Although it may feel like The Coldest Winter Ever in your life, it’s not the end. It’s a process. Every step forward is a big feat.

I believe we all need to be encouraged no matter where we are in our faith.

I want to share with you all God has shared with me in this winter season this far.

So here it is my winter gift to you! ( Click on the link or the picture below to snag.)

Enjoy Parable Crew!


The Strangest Spring Ever


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