Recover your sight

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"Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand."
Matthew 11.15

We know from watching the vision impaired that their sense of sound is heightened because they use this sense to see the world around them.

What if we, not being naturally blind but supernaturally challenged begin to use our ears to see more?

Of course we can't do this without a master guide, a necessary tool, our walking stick, our daily attendant, the Holy Spirit.

How do I know I have Holy Spirit?

After you receive Christ.

You simply ask for the Holy Spirit. And He will come. You don’t have to memorize 10 verses of scripture or complete a biblical quiz, just pray sincerely.

And then like a person who has invited someone to their house expect His arrival.

Anticipate His company, provide a place (your temple) He feels comfortable residing.
Then you will understand when God speaks to your heart.

You will begin the journey of recovery over all you lost when your arms were outstretched feeling your way in the dark.

I too am on the path of recovery.

Next week look out for more on this series of Recovery.

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Love you Beyond
-the Parable Girl


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