Beyond Frankenstein-From Ghoul to Jewel

“He asked me, can these bones live? This is what the Sovereign Lord said to these bones, I will make breath enter you and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord."

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She’s alive!!

Do you know God can use any and everything for his glory, even scary things? He's just that good. What you thought was dead and decayed is alive and exquisite in the hands of God. What you thought had no life comes to life with God on your side. Feeling a little dry today?

Prophesy to yourself and say dry bones awaken! If the Lord can raise an army of the dead back to life he can take your puny circumstance and give it a fresh makeover. Our God is beyond fiction, he's beyond what we imagine him to be. God can change the mind of the suicidal. He can change the heart of an atheist. He can save lost souls from the pit of hell. He can provide escape to those buried alive in sin. He can do it all by himself but he chooses to use you and I. Are you willing to be a robber of the grave? Are you willing to clapback on the devil? You have the power to give the heartbeat of Christ to a mortuary of souls. How many will you electrify with the Word of God? The Walking Dead just got woke.

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Ezekiel 37 1-10

More to come at

The Parable Girl Speaks


Edit Fear Out!


On. The. Spot.