“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”
Matthew 7:7 NLT
"So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." Matthew 24:44
Where I'm from we call Easter Resurrection Sunday.
Resurrection Sunday has more telling in its name of who we worship than chocolate bunnies and Peep marshmallow candy. It is powerful and accurate. Although pastel bunnies and cute little edible chicks would be good to eat right now. Easter egg hunts actually sound appealing ( I could see myself diving for an orange egg; my favorite color) over this sick and shut in season we now face. Brightly colored garments instead of bed clothes would be a decent tradeoff. Nevertheless, we are stuck at home during the biggest, greatest, most significant time to celebrate (with the exception of the Rapture). Thirty three years of celebrating our risen king I have never celebrated at home. In my home church there was always a play, a praise dance, a feast to take part in. Resurrection Sunday is Epic where I come from. Born again Christians turnt up.
But- isn’t there always a but?
-food, fashion and tradition is not why we celebrate. We commemorate a time that is marked on our very souls. We are forgiven, delivered, cleansed and set free everyday. Those that call Jesus their Lord and Savior will live forever and eternity began the day you prayed Jesus to come live inside you. It is because he wore a crown of thorns we will wear a crown of heavenly jewels. I’ll say that’s better than any Easter fashion from any designer, boutique or runway.
This is a Good Friday.
When I think of the things the Lord has brought me through…it is a Good, Good Friday.
When I think on what Jesus spared me from it is a Good, Good, Good Friday
-and when I think of what he has in store for me it is so, so Good. There are no words…
Nothing compares to his love no romance novel, movie or person. Would you agree?
So, what are we going to do this Friday? This weekend? This season in our lives?
Are we going to succumb to our circumstances or will we overcome them by praising God through it, in spite of it, and because of it? During this time we prayed more, we looked to heaven, we took a pause from our schedule, we distanced ourselves from routine and became a vigilant seeker of substance, of godly substance. Or at least this is what we should do. His manna will be the only thing to sustain us.
Are we really who we say we are?
Social distancing shouldn’t stop us from celebrating why we are who we say we are. This season is greater than a birthday, a graduation ceremony, a vacation or anything we planned in our calendar that had to be rescheduled. We can't reschedule the reason why we live without fear for another time. It is because of the compassion and consideration Jesus had for us that we have eternal life. This time is worthy of our praise, our attention, our focus and our gatherings through technology of course.
If we can celebrate our social customs through Zoom, Houseparty, Facetime or any other video app we can surely make arrangements for worship of the one true coming King through the same platforms. We can set aside time for the one who set time for us on his knees in the Garden of Gethsemane, as he prayed for the strength to walk that agonizing road to death. The one who spoke through bloodied bashed in teeth to say it is finished. The one who was pierced in his side, the one who was mocked, ridiculed and spat upon. The one who did nothing wrong but suffered through every vile curse for us. The one who overcame the grave, the one who snatched back power from the evil one. Because of Jesus, Death became a portal to everlasting LIFE. That is the One we celebrate TODAY AND FOREVER.
No matter what.
No matter what.
We are vigilant, loyal subjects.
We remember and exalt our King.
News Reports can't get us through a pandemic, social media can't cure our unbelief, Netflix although binge worthy, can't give us peace, hospitals can't provide us a cure for human decay.
But there is One, who is the Only One that can provide us with the anecdote to our failures, medicine that never runs out, and a vaccine that is found in Roman's 10:9, John 3:16, Isaiah 53 , Psalms 91 and Romans 8.
Jesus is King. Jesus is Lord.
Above all.
Let us be vigilant in our proclamation of the one and true Savior who is coming back for his Church.
A church that is not easily distracted.
A church that is of pure intentions to reveal His glory to a dying world.
Now is to time to keep the faith and proclaim the good news through an unexpected platform- our living room and a glass screen.
This Week's Prayer
Lord, help us to keep the faith, Let us not grow weary but be more vigilant than ever before. This the time and season we celebrate the Messiah, the one who came and was raised from the dead and is coming back. Let us not forfeit the John the Baptist in us for a sensational, easily influenced Judas. Let us hold on to what we know and not be fake, sometimey, frauds of the faith but let us be true, authentic followers of Jesus, our one and true coming King. We salute the throne.
In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Here are some fun ideas for a virtual Resurrection weekend gathering…
Update: 04/10 My family and I are expounding on; not preaching, the Last Sayings of Jesus on the Cross tonight via Zoom. I have “It is Finished!” So pumped, credit goes to my spiritually in tune Mom.
What are you doing this Good Friday? Share in the comment box below.