The Daughters' Castle
Why do princesses need a kingdom?
Answer: to be protected
Every daughter needs to feel protected in the arms of a loving father in order to brave what is outside the castle walls.
“His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.”
Every daughter needs to be sheltered from an enemy outside the fortress of her security.
But is your rampart destroyed? Is it crumbling? Can the unknown creep through your gates without notice? Are you allowing strangers to camp around your chambers?
I remember when Facebook was only for college students. We used it to reunite with our friends (or so called friends) from high school. Facebook was the new trend so everyone I knew had an account. Only one group was granted access to your information. It was private, exclusive, safe. Now Facebook can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, anytime. People post their opinions on politics, same sex marriages, first dates, how someone did them wrong and weekend flings. Status postings range from "what I ate last night that made me nauseous to honoring a loved one who passed away".
All of our private moments are public for friends of friends to view. We glide through worlds at the tip of fingers not particularly viewing all the open doors of a person's fortress. Intruder Alert!
Colossians 3:2 says.
“Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.”
Meaning to say we should be proclaiming the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ and not the gossip of worldly affairs. If we keep our minds focused on him Christ will be our platform... not your opinions on Donald Trump or getting something off your chest in the heat of the moment.
Daughters, God has raised you up with Christ. You are seated with Him in heavenly places. You are hidden in Christ.
Therefore His fortress should be well guarded. Would a king leave his jewels out for visitors to snatch? Would a billionaire tell guests the access code to his vault?
Some things should be kept safe from our enemies. And everyone we call friend is not for us. We have to use godly wisdom on what we say and do in the view of others.
How to build a crumbling castle.
Daughters let's keep our lives hidden in Christ. Let's allow him to lead and guide us. Let's guard our tongues as we would a weapon for our home. Let's keep our families and reputations within our castle doors only allowing the truest of friends to enter the threshold. Let's represent Christ well! After all He is the rightful owner of our estate.
Princess don't leave the King's door wide open. Use a heavenly lock!
The Parable Girl