PARABLE girl of the Month: Adrina on a Mission

She is the girl next door. Everyone she meets loves her right away. She is funny, smart, beautiful inside and out and Funny! But I said that already...Her name is Adrina Figueroa and she is on fire for God and his people. She is a missionary in Thailand. She is a rebel. She is a faith filled believer standing on the promise that her god chosen husband will arrive on time! She preaches the gospel to women who never heard his name. She works in the trenches where dark spirits roam to speak the truth. She is my dear friend and sister. She is a Parable Girl. Here is her story...

Adrina in Thailand 

Adrina in Thailand 

Adrina's group

Adrina's group

In 2005 I was living a life VERY far from God... I was living a life that was not concerned with things of Christ or His will... At this point in my life I was about to move in with my boyfriend at the time and needless to say my Christian mother was COMPLETELY fed up and uninterested in even continuing a relationship with me... At my previous church our Pastor was planning a missions trip and I told my friend I would love to go but was in no place to even think about others or serve others... BUT of course my friend told my previous Pastor anyway...My Pastor was on board with me attending the missions trip and my mother insisted I go to gain my identity in Christ... Although she raised us to discover who we are in Christ she knew that I had no clue and knew that God would reveal His plan to me.... I traveled to Fong, Thailand in 2005 and needless to say He revealed His love, grace and purpose to me... Since 2005 I have traveled Thailand, Ghana Africa and South America no place felt quite like Thailand... My heart to Bangkok Thailand is based on this simple fact...

35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Matthew 9: 35-38... Here in Bangkok many have not even heard the name of Christ and the people that I am working with are within the 18-22 year old age group... these young adults are the elite future of Thailand if Christ can be the center of their lives I know that Thailand will change for the better... Right now Thailand is 95% Buddhist and Christian 1% if this number can change the influence that Thailand would have would be with neighboring countries especially America...

While serving in Bangkok for two months I am serving Chula University Students, Rahab Ministries, and Sophia Lobil in her red light district ministry: • We teach the University Students English on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s -- this is done through games and conversation, which later led to creating and building relationships. • We lead Bible Study on Wednesday’s which is open to anyone who wanted to attend. • We serve Rahab Ministries by going into Pat Phong a sex trading bar ministering to prostitutes and victims of sex trafficking. • We serve Sophia Lobil as she goes into Soy Nana and Soy Cowboy two MAJOR sex trafficking areas filled with prostitution and child sex labor.

If you are interested in financially supporting and contributing to my work here in Bangkok here is how.. Please make all checks and money orders payable to: The Christian & Missionary Alliance/Envision Office Attn: Becky Gorton P.O Box 35000 Colorado Springs, CO 80935-3500

You can also give online at Account Number 1-47626-49-12-O-ENV ENV- Adrina Figueroa

Your financial support and commitment would cover

$500 per month Envision field costs and rent

$100 per month required insurance

$1550 round-trip international airfare

Adrina at home

Adrina at home

me and Adrina skydiving

me and Adrina skydiving

Life of the party in Thailand

Life of the party in Thailand

serving God and his people in Thailand

serving God and his people in Thailand

The parable girl ♥


Be a parable girl
