You might be thinking...What makes a girl a Parable Girl?

A parable is a simple story with a spiritual meaning.


In the Bible Jesus spoke in parables, many parables. Some are not even accounted for. No one knows how many parables he actually told. I only know the ones written in the Gospels of the New Testament. At first glance the stories came across as simple but when studied they unveil the heartbeat of heaven. They are deep! With that said at first glance a parable girl's life may seem ordinary but deep down she is rich beyond measure. Are you one? Here we go...

What makes a girl a Parable Girl?

a parable girl is a female who knows her life has more meaning than what happens day to day

a parable girl is thirsty for her calling she yearns for greater 

a parable girl is not afraid to praise her sovereign God

a parable girl is not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ 

a parable girl's imagination expands with age instead of decreasing with age.

a parable girl's life is not her own ( she has left it in God's hands) stress free

a parable girl wants more out of life and seeks God in prayer, fasting and worship for more of everything He is

if she were to spill all her mystery upon the earth  it would reach all seven continents 

a parable girl's passion is fire within her belly her spirit a giant within a thimble 

a parable girl is in love with God and everything that is godly 

a parable girl is in love with God's people and wants to impact her community with her God given gifts

a parable girl is a new generation follower of Christ interested in soul saving in new innovative ways 

a parable girl uses and desires to use her gifts as a ministry to reach her generation

a parable girl has traded her old life for a new spiritually aware one 

a parable girl is a role model to young girls

a parable girl may make mistakes but keeps trying harder, then harder still

a parable girl adores good and shuns evil 

a parable girl is a seeker of deeper levels of thought; she loves to learn

a parable girl sees beyond the story 

if she had a choice between world denomination and her God she would chose her God 

a parable girl smiles from her soul

(read twice) a parable girl's eyes holds a hint of her maker's origin 

a parable girl is an admirer of beauty she is her sister's keeper 

a parable girl is a romantic and her heart is an ocean 

a parable girl loves being in love and watching love grow in others

a parable girl is content being a spectator outside the story knowing her day will come if God says so

she is a reader, she can discern what others question 

a parable girl's language is poetry, she speaks not to offend, she is kind

a parable girl is treasured by godly men

she is God instrument not man's toy 

a parable girl has captured the heart of the Trinity, she has their attention, she has gained their trust 

a parable girl may be single but in relationship

a parable girl declares Christ as King and bows down to only Him 

a parable girl is set apart but she brings people together from all walks of life 

a parable girl has a master of her soul but she is free mind, body, spirit 

a parable girl is a warrior yet she is gentle and just 

a parable girl may be young but her soul is wise; timeless 

she carries the aching determination of mothers before her 

she may be the daughter of Eve but she is given a glimpse of paradise within 

Every triumph, every success is in the name of the King,  "all for His Glory" is on her lips

a parable girl has many layers, a short story not found in a fairy tale. A real girl of flesh and spirit. The Holy Spirit as her guide. 


If she had a choice between world denomination and her God she would chose her God.

I hope you have a better understanding of a Parable Girl. Next time I will write just one definition.  I hope there are many parable girls nodding their heads as they read this. This may be a reflection of you or who you desire to become.

It is the Parable of You. Feel free to fill in your personal interpretation. 

Your life has meaning, a spiritual calling, keep going, favor is unraveling. To all the parable girls of the world arise! Your day has come. 

 -The Parable Girl 


New Pictures! Another Parable Girl Photo Shoot


Be a parable girl