Cool Calm Collected Christian
Monologue for an actress on the rise!
(Alone in a room. The snow is falling outside. All is silent expect the clicking of a pen. She is in deep thought, concentrating on another place. She saw her only boyfriend walking out of the movie theater with a new girl. She lost her cool...)
""You said to think on things that are pure, lovely and true but am I suppose to ignore his laughter, his happiness, his new crush with pure thoughts?? I know he saw me and pretended to look through the store window. I don't have words for the hurt that went through my body. I am not a shell! I have feelings. I try to be calm. I pray and I really try. But this is torture...
I brush it off with my friends "It doesnt bother me, I'll pray he come baçk to the faith, "I say coolly .Secretly I say "back to me". But now I never want him back. He promised, "I have self control. I can wait. I can wait for you until eternity." Eternity came early wearing crop tops with a big booty. Pastor said he was set apart, called, holy..mama you said he was special! We believed so why did he lose faith in me?
Anyway I give it all to you. I'm so over this. I'll leave the drama to reality T.V. I am called, chosen, and I am expected to truimph over the bad days. So what's up God? I'm cool, calm, collected. I survived. What's my next assignment?
(Phone vibrates. It is him) This is what it comes down to I am going to finally POP!
(She answers) Hello. He wants me to forgive. Really God!? Thanks for the assignment.
The End.