Take Comfort in being Uncomfortable.........

I tell you one thing that I loathe. LOathe. Being uncomfortable. You know when you feel out of place, like everyone is looking at you. Like when you're  a novice at something  surrounded by a bunch of experts. I feel awkward, clumsy, like a doofus. I rather not be uncomfortable but for a very peculiar reason I find myself having that cold sweat feeling very often. Actually most of the things I do/try  makes me feel like I'm walking on a tightrope  from one skyscraper to the next with everyone in the Empire State watching from below. "Wondering what the heck is she doing... saying what the heck was she Thinking! She doesn't belong there. She shouldn't be doing that? That doesn't work. It wont work". You get my drift.

Sure I have thought and said the same things. What are you doing taking accelerated classes in elementary education. You know teaching is one of the hardest jobs on the planet! Are you nuts!
What are you doing skydiving black girls are not that adventurous.
Jumping underneath a waterfall like a nutcase in St. Lucia as the other tourist stop and stare. Just me and the natives.
You run in the grass with your bare feet? Where do you think you are Mississippi? You are a New Yorker! We don't do that!

Why is she so extra where does she think she is on Broadway?
(said by an actual classmate in high school)

Sure you don't have to tell me. I am weird. I have always been. I will always be.  But My weird and out of the ordinary demeanor has allowed me to hear God's voice loud and clear. When God speaks it is out of the ordinary, in fact quite extraordinary. (suddenly I'm Dr. Seuss) 

He is my coach. He pumps me up for the big game of life, when I feel like cowering in the locker room, He tells me, "Go on. I made you this way. What do you have to fear, people, events, trials, failure? I'm bigger than all those things."

He tells me shine your light! Don't hide it under a blanket. Don't just shine it in one place but in many places. Don't just shine it with people who look like you but shine it so many different people will see and be fearless and uninhibited just like you. In Matthew 14-16 Jesus explains it best, "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see."
 He says, "I lit you so the world can see and be better for it." When we hide we don't make the world better we keep it the same.
He has opened doors flooded with opportunity. Is it going to be easy? No. But don't run away from a blessing just because you're uncomfortable. Get out of your shell and  receive All of what God has in store for you and sometimes that may mean being a little hesitant a little UNCOmForTable...

Looking through the Peephole: Take Comfort in being Uncomfortable.........


Looking through the Peephole: 8, 9, 10! Ready or not Here I Come!