The Ecstasy of Being Alone

 Sure. No one likes to be alone. No one to talk to, no one to listen to the stories you want to share. I'm sure you love to hang out and socialize. Trust me I do too. I am a very outgoing person and I love to plan trips and events wayyy in advance! You can ask my family and close friends, I plan my next birthday a day after the current one. I love people and I love meeting new people. But like you I have those days were people are not what I need. Even when my body is telling me go out and do something with someone! Call someone! Text them, facebook a friend something! You need to live and have fun. You're young and single..this ranting inside my head can go on and on but I have to press the mute button. Instead I listen to the other voice that says spend time with me. Its OK to be alone sometimes. That is when you really learn more about this person (point to chest) and that big  God that wants to spend time with you Alone.  Whenever you are alone you wish to God you wasn't.  But have you thought about the sweet benefits?

When you are alone you can organize your life!
Kudos to the person that can hold a conversation and manage their finances at the same time. But most of us fall off in that department.
Solitude allows us to reorganize our houses, whether its spending a Saturday cleaning and decorating your home or office. I  don't always feel good about getting started but when the job is done and everything is all spic and span I got the workout and the dust bunnies out. I can literally crash on the kitchen floor. When your surroundings are neat and organized your thinking follows suit.

When you are alone you can spend time with God.
Corporate worship is  great but nothing beats spending alone time with God. This is when he will speak to you the most because you decided to stop and place him over your busy schedule. You please God and you are blessed as well.
When you are alone you can write in your journal.
Writing is therapeutic. Blabbing to your diary is less narcissistic than blabbing to the people that live with you. It helps getting the frustration down on paper and out of your system then in someone else's ear let's face it
after awhile they want to smack you away like a pesty mosquito. But they smile and be polite instead. So it doesn't hurt to write it down.

When you are alone you can create personal goals.
This goes along with organization. You know more than anyone what you want out of life. You can write
questions like where do i see myself in five years? ten years? twenty years? and so on. Through faith and ambition you can check those goals off your list in no time!
When you are alone you can better your relationship with yourself.
How can we get to know more about our self that is what we need to change, where we need to grow and where we are successful if we don't talk to ourselves. Yes if you start making this a habit in public the psychiatric van will do a speedy pickup your way. Sometimes in private we need to shut the television off, the phone off, and all lines of communication so we can better understand this person, this body, this soul God has given us a little more.
Visit the spa alone ( Spa castle is recommended), take a walk in the park and find a quiet secluded spot ( not too secluded) , or just plan a ME day (shopping spree, beauty day)

Learn to appreciate every part of you...


When you are alone you can better your relationships with others.
This sounds weird, but when you find time for yourself you can become a better friend. When you are at peace with yourself and stand alone, you become a better listener, a peacemaker, a trusted advisor for the stressed out panicky, competitive world we live in. We need people we can learn from, people who are calm, cool, collected.  People who know how to step back from the choas, pause and discern.
When you are alone you can go to the movies/ theater.
Just try it. The bravest people do it.
When you are alone you can read.
Knowledge is an open door, take advantage of the information all around you when you are alone. Whether its reading the news on paper or online or downloading a book on a E-reader and reading it all in one sitting.
 I love it when I read and there are no interruptions...
When you are alone you can study.
For all the students of the world ( all of us) whether you are in school or not we all can study. Whatever  the
interest  this would be a perfect time to brush up on the fundamentals so we have something cool to add at the coffee table or carpool.
When you are alone you can develop a new hobby.
Did you ever want to join a gym but none of your friends were willing to do it with you? Now is the time. How about running a Marathon? .. Train and go for it. Swimming, rock climbing, oil painting. Don't wait for a friend,do it alone. Think of all the new and exciting people you might meet and the skills you will accumulate.

When you are alone you can treat yourself.
It is always fabulous when a date picks up the tab. But you also have a independent and spontaneous side, If you always wanted to try that seafood restaurant or cupcake shop take your wallet and gadgets and go! You are adventurous and totally cool. Trust me no one is going to laugh. You will inspire.
When you are alone you can escape.
Daydream of a different world. Fantasize, dream and dream big. The world is your oyster, nothing can hold you back. Think beyond your four walls and imagine a palace within reach. No one will be there to tell you stop dreaming.

When you are alone you can be silent.
Give your vocal chords a break. Sometimes its nice to just be quiet!
When you are alone you can in take in the beauty of nature.
Nature is all around, even if you live in the big city like yours truly. Go to the docks and watch the ships and tiny boats sail by. Take your dog on a long walk ( if you have one, if not rent one for the day. jk) Check out the squirrels and birds ( not pigeons) don't they look happy and satisfied? Look at the sky during sunset/sunrise, tranquil beauty. Look at the moon. ( a big light surrounded by darkness what a inspiration) Be an observer of life.
When you are alone you can catwalk the concrete.
For pedestrians, everyone has their own stride espeacially when alone.
Whatever style your walk carries no one can tell you your not flying solo and fabulous.

Go for a drive.
Have wheels and want to get away from it all? Shut up and drive.
When you are alone you can get loose!
Dance like your on America's Got Talent. Attempt to sing like Beyonce' in the shower.
 Streak around the apartment. Act a fool. Now is the time to laugh at yourself . No one will find out.  You hope.
When you are alone you can explore the world.
Dora the Explorer did it so can you. Get a passport and travel the seven seas. If a first or second mate wants to come along the more the merrier if they flop don't let that stop you, grow some sea legs and get over it. Life on this earth is too short. ( check out

When you are alone you can watch and listen to the people around you.
Aren't they hilariously entertaining? Just don't butt in that's nosy.

When you are alone you can love better....
The purpose of being alone is not to be a recluse or a socially challenged hermit it is to
 make us socially well. If we never have time for ourselves and we never have time to spend with God alone we don't know how to help others because we are always around people, always chatting away....
W never stop and take a time out.
If we never have time alone we must ask ourselves is it because I am afraid to be alone? Do I need people around every waking moment because then
I feel popular, secure, in the know? Is it because I don't want to be lonely? The sad part is you can be in a group of twenty and still feel lonely and be alone and feel socially superb. If you have the right mindset being alone can transport you into a bliss...a realm only a few people get to in their lives. Like eating succulent chocolate strolling through the French Riviera at twilight. Almost unreal.  
Doesn't that sound Yummy! Escape. you'll never be the same.

I want to know.............

What do you do when you are alone?

Looking through the Peephole: The Ecstasy of Being Alone


Looking through the Peephole: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.