A Man to Meet My Mountain

Among the valley of many
Here I stand
 In the midnight muddy moss
Here I crawl
Through the dense uphill climb
Here I am
Among me there are beasts bold, brazen ready to take my life lest I fall
They creep they lurk hungry in the shadows
I pause in place unsure
There is a rushing wind
I trust and I know I’m not alone
Past the spiral turns, beyond the steep cliffs I find my courage
Through scorched skin and dusty air there is an upward tug
I feel secure, safe for travel
Prepared for the clouds ahead
I move forward to meet him
Sure enough he is there
Along the beaten path his arm reaches for mine
When darkness falls he pulls me up
He leads me with loving footsteps
Skin smoothed by his touch, his gentleness his devotion
With aching limbs I follow him up the mountain
With flowing wisdom from above he carries me
The mountain is sharp and rugged
We stumble, we crawl, we scratch, we fall
But never separate
Higher and Higher we ascend
Into the light of lights
Down in the dark valley old friends call
They beckon, they reach, 
Accusations fly, stones soar…
Our mountain stands unscathed
We are still climbing
 Bruised, battered bodies
But renewed, restored spirits arise
There is a longing to reach the top
There is a pinnacle of peace for the two of us,
So together we climb,
This man and I.
Alone, the peak is promised
United a universe beckons

 Taken from Parable of the God-Chosen Husband.


A Man on FIRE!


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