Expectant moms are given nine months to wait for new life to birth. When shoppers order from their favorite catalogues or retail websites they receive a confirmation number informing them that their package is arriving at a specific date. Newspapers and subscription magazines are delivered on our doorstep or left in our mailboxes at a daily, weekly or monthly basis. If our delivery is not delivered on time we investigate the delay. We expect the delivery to be on time and intact or else there is a problem! We live in a world of expectancy. We want what is anticipated, no exceptions.
So it was frustrating when I ordered a valuable item online and it was never delivered to my address. I paid extra for overnight shipping so that my highly anticipated package would arrive the next day. I received a confirmation email and was given the expectant date of arrival: September 24, 2010. "Great. My package will arrive tomorrow on my day off", I said to myself. Everything was working out as normal. But to my astonishment tomorrow came and I sat in my house and waited. No package. So I called the shipping company to identify the problem. "Wrong address", they said. "But how could that be?" I asked, "I ordered numerous items from this particular company and they were all delivered to the right address." Strange.
However, I was relieved the problem was addressed (no pun intended) and my delivery was on the way. Sure I wasn’t off from work but I managed for someone to be available when the courier arrived. The next day came and left, still no package. Now I was growing a little annoyed. I called the home office and discovered they were still attempting to deliver the package to the wrong address. I gave my correct address to the call center and expressed my disappointment with their performance, "If this package wasn’t important I wouldn’t have paid to expedite its delivery, I wouldn’t have ordered it at all." It took several attempts to retrieve the package, with no success. One day I was walking my dog and the delivery truck was parked in my neighborhood. They had my package and it was still stamped with the wrong address. They were going to deliver it to the wrong house again. Can you imagine the owner of the frequently visited apartment opening the door to laid eyes on that cumbersome package! A package they didn’t ask for or want. Poor law abiding citizens.
Once I received my package I could’ve insulted or interrogated the driver. It was what I felt like doing five days ago. But I no longer felt aggravated; I had my package despite all the trials I had to go through to obtain it. Now that I look back it was actually comical, a simple delivery turned into a circus act. I was jumping through hoops to retrieve something not as valuable as I made it seem. But it was something I really wanted at the moment that I didn’t receive and it made me angry. I expected its arrival but it disappointed me.
Once I got over my pouting I was able to set my mind on more Christ centered thoughts… thoughts that had other people in mind.
Names ran through my brain that I had to pray for, I wrote an encouraging note for a friend and went grocery shopping for my home. All of these errands were fogged by one selfish want I made priority. I wanted that package so badly because I expected it, it was on my mind constantly. I needed it to satisfy a pleasurable pastime (TV). It was routine and it was mine, I bought it!
And when I set my mind on what greater package God has for me on the way all I can do is feel silly at all the fuss I made over fluff.
What immaturity!
If I could humble myself to wait for something I paid for, something so superficial, I can definitely wait for something that is so great I almost feel undeserving. Something that is worth waiting for …
This package is so enormous I figure if I knew the date of its delivery, I would stay up all night with hampered anticipation. I wouldn’t be able to sleep or eat. God knows his children more than we know ourselves. I wouldn’t be able to minister to one single woman if I knew my future husband was coming on a Saturday, I would do nothing on Saturdays! If I knew what day he would arrive I would want to know more, like… "How tall is he? Where is his family from? Does he like long walks on the beach or cuddling by candlelight? Does he prefer home cooked meals or take out?
Who cares?!
I trust my father with the selection, the shipping and delivery!
I trust him with the whole process because God is not a man that he should break promises ("it is impossible for God to lie," NIV Heb.6:18) or deliver my package to someone else’s doorstep. What he handcrafted and selected for me is for me. We as women of God each have a delivery date, whether it is a husband, a job, a plot of land or divine health. And we must be patient and trust him with the shipping and handling! God’s word is true and he never delays on his promises. They are delivered at the right place and at the right time.
"And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised." (NIV Hebrews 5:15)
Happy Ordering!